
Level with your child

This is a photograph from the National Child L...Image via Wikipedia
"Level with your child by being honest.
 Nobody spots a phony quicker than a child." 

~~ Mary MacCracken

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Walt Disney's "Peter Pan" premiered, 1953

Disney's Peter with the Lost BoysImage via Wikipedia
[Wendy has just become the Lost Boys' mother] 
Peter: Discipline. That's what fathers believe in. We must spank the children immediately before they try to kill you again. In fact, we should kill them. 
Wendy: Father. I agree that they are... perfectly horrid, but... kill them and they should think themselves... important. 
The Lost Boys: So important, Peter. 
Curly: And unique. 
Wendy: I, propose something far more dreadful. Medicine. The sticky, sweet kind. 
The Lost Boys: Kill us, Peter. 

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Word Spy - blizzaster

Word Spy - blizzaster:

n. A massive snowstorm; the negative effects of such a storm. Also: blizz-aster. [Blend of blizzard and disaster.]"

Race-Labor Bibliography

race-labor bib:

"Race-Labor Bibliography"

The theme of black workers, their role in the broader working class, and their relationship to the labor movement has been a particularly lively one among scholars over the past several decades.