
Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address

English: Abraham Lincoln - Photo taken in Feb....
English: Abraham Lincoln - Photo taken in Feb. 1860 by Mathew Brady. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address:

"" However, once Lincoln warmed up, "his face lighted up as with an inward fire; the whole man was transfigured. I forgot his clothes, his personal appearance, and his individual peculiarities. Presently, forgetting myself, I was on my feet like the rest, yelling like a wild Indian, cheering this wonderful man.""

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RSA Animate - Language as a Window into Human Nature - YouTube

RSA Animate - Language as a Window into Human Nature:


Red Handed: The Fine Art of Strange Crimes by Matt Kindt

Red Handed: The Fine Art of Strange Crimes   by Matt Kindt

this is quirky. i spent most of the read confused but curious. in the end i understood where i'd been taken and how i got there, so i suppose that i am satisfied with the result. the book answers the question: can there be a criminal responsible for a crime not committed? or, to put it another way may a crime mystery be solved if no law has been broken. in both cases, the answer is yes and no. confused? i guess that's the point of it.
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There is pow'r, there is pow'r

American Hill
American Hill (Photo credit: Saint Iscariot)
Would you have freedom from wage slavery,
Then join in the grand Industrial band;
Would you from mis'ry and hunger be free,
Then come! Do your share, like a man.

There is pow'r, there is pow'r
In a band of workingmen.
When they stand hand in hand,
That's a pow'r, that's a pow'r
That must rule in every land --
One Industrial Union Grand.

Would you have mansions of gold in the sky,
And live in a shack, way in the back?
Would you have wings up in heaven to fly,
And starve here with rags on your back?

There is pow'r, there is pow'r
In a band of workingmen.
When they stand hand in hand,
That's a pow'r, that's a pow'r
That must rule in every land --
One Industrial Union Grand.

If you've had "nuff" of "the blood of the lamb,"
Then join in the grand Industrial band;
If, for a change, you would have eggs and ham.
Then come! Do your share, like a man.

There is pow'r, there is pow'r
In a band of workingmen.
When they stand hand in hand,
That's a pow'r, that's a pow'r
That must rule in every land --
One Industrial Union Grand.

If you like sluggers to beat off your head,
Then don't organize, all unions despise,
If you want nothing before you are dead,
Shake hands with your boss and look wise.

There is pow'r, there is pow'r
In a band of workingmen.
When they stand hand in hand,
That's a pow'r, that's a pow'r
That must rule in every land --
One Industrial Union Grand.

Come, all ye workers, from every land,
Come join in the grand Industrial band.
Then we our share of this earth shall demand.
Come on! Do your share, like a man.

There is pow'r, there is pow'r
In a band of workingmen.
When they stand hand in hand,
That's a pow'r, that's a pow'r
That must rule in every land --
One Industrial Union Grand.
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Verizon donated $100 million to schools. That’s just 7.5 hours of revenue.

Verizon donated $100 million to schools. That’s just 7.5 hours of revenue.:

 "Yes, they're businesses, and their duty is to shareholders. But what we now take for granted as an ironclad corporate norm favoring shareholder dividends is a fairly recent phenomenon; it was less than a century ago that communications companies like AT&T operated on a belief in public service. Today's broadband providers should aspire to that."


I crave your mouth... by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda (1956)
Pablo Neruda (1956) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I crave your mouth...
by Pablo Neruda

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
Like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

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Pete Seeger: This Man Surrounded Hate and Forced it to Surrender | The Nation

Pete Seeger: This Man Surrounded Hate and Forced it to Surrender | The Nation:

 "When some of the greatest musicians in the world gathered five years ago to celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the musician who inspired them all, Bruce Springsteen told Pete Seeger: “You outlasted the bastards, man.”

And so he did."

'So it went. Decade after decade. Singing and
agitating and inspiring the children and the
grandchildren and the great-grandchildren of those
who had heard him singing the songs of the
Abraham Lincoln Brigade in 1938, or serenading
Eleanor Roosevelt in 1944, or accompanying Henry
Wallace’s presidential campaign in 1948. The
hundreds of Occupy Wall Street activists who joined
Seeger on a thirty five-block march through
Manhattan in October 2011 knew that he was
seventy years older than they were, but he was one
of them; indeed, said his friend Gary Davis, Pete
was "seeing his life come to fruition." It was that
understanding of music as art and mission that
drew Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen and Ani
DiFranco and Tom Morello and Billy Bragg to the
man whose energy and warmth, intellect and
integrity they aspired to emulate. Seeger
believed—still believes—that songs can lift people
up and inspire them to take the actions necessary to
change the world," Bragg wrote  when Pete turned 91,
delighting in the fact that Woody Guthrie's comrade
"continues to urge us all to overcome".'
John Nichols
The Nation
January 28, 2014


James Joyce - Irish Novelist - Biography

James Joyce - Irish Novelist - Biography:

 "Many critics believe that his life in Dublin provided the fuel for all of his later creative endeavors."


Best guess for James Joyce
 Date of birth is February 2, 1882

 Frank Budgen, portrait of James Joyce. Zurich, 1919

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